From 2024, take the voter registration online is simpler and more accessible than ever.
The process can be done in just a few steps, without having to leave home, through the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) website.
Who can get a voter registration card?
To take the voter registration, you must be at least 16 years old, but voting is only mandatory from the age of 18. Those who are not yet 18 can vote voluntarily.
However, there are some exceptions: people in compulsory military service (conscripts) cannot obtain the title during their period of service.
If you are a Brazilian resident abroad, you can also obtain your voter registration card and vote in the presidential elections.
Remember, the title is essential to exercise your political rights, and the regularity of this document is required in several other situations, such as public competitions and issuing passports.
How to get your voter registration card online: Step by step

The online process is quite simple. Here is an updated guide to getting yours voter registration without complications:
1- Access the TSE website: Go to website do Superior Electoral Court (TSE) and enter the section Electoral Self-Service. From there, select the “Voter Registration Card” option and click on “Get your voter registration card”.
2- Fill in the data: You will need to provide information such as your full name, address, ID number and other personal details. If you have never registered before, leave the “Voter Registration” field blank.
3- Send the documents: You will need to upload a selfie holding your ID (ID or driver's license) next to your face, in addition to attaching proof of residence. Photos must be in PNG, PDF or JPG formats, with a maximum size of 10MB.
4- Review the data and submit: After reviewing the information, click “Save” to submit the request. You will receive a protocol number to track the process.
5- Track your order and download the title: Once your request is approved, you can track the status of your order online and, when ready, download the e-Title, the official app available for Android and iOS. Voter registration is now 100% digital.
How to regularize your voter registration online
If your title is irregular or you need to make an update, such as changing your address, you can regularize the situation online.
The process follows the same steps above, with the addition of some specific documents, such as proof of payment of electoral fines, if applicable.
To regularize your title:
- Access the TSE website and go to Electoral Self-Service.
- Select the “Title Regularization” option and follow the indicated steps.
- Submit required documentation, such as proof of payment of fines if necessary.
- Follow the progress of the regularization through the generated protocol.
It is important to pay attention to deadlines. In election years, voter registration closes months before the vote, and regularizing your voter registration is essential to be able to vote.
Frequently asked questions about voter registration
- Can I transfer my voter registration online? Yes, the transfer process can also be done online, through the TSE website. Voters must be up to date with their electoral obligations to make the request.
- What should I do if I missed the deadline to regularize my title? If you missed the deadline, you can still regularize your situation after the election period. However, you may be unable to vote in the current election.
- How to justify absence from voting? If you are unable to vote, you can justify your decision using the app. e-Title or via the TSE website. The deadline to justify is 60 days after election day.
These are some of the main information on how to obtain or regularize the voter registration online. The process is quick and easy, and with these guidelines, you can resolve everything without complications.