CUIL Number: What it is and How to Get Yours


O CUIL number It is an essential key for citizens and residents in Argentina, acting as a gateway to a wide range of services and administrative needs.

This unique numeric code is not only a requirement for formal employment, but also a facilitator for accessing health, education and social services. Understanding its meaning, process of obtaining it and its use is essential for full participation in Argentine society.

So, we invite you to read on to find out how your CUIL number affects different aspects of life in Argentina and how to ensure you are making the most of the benefits it offers.

What is the CUIL number?

O CUIL number, acronym for Código Único de Identificación Laboral, is a key element in the Argentine administrative and social scenario, playing a vital role in the lives of the country's citizens and residents.

This number is not only a requirement for participation in the labor market, but also a tool that facilitates access to a wide range of government services and benefits.

To fully understand the value and function of CUIL number, it is essential to break down its definition, meaning and the process of obtaining it into detailed and informative steps.

Definition and meaning

O CUIL number is a unique identifier assigned to each worker, whether an Argentine citizen or a foreign resident, allowing them to participate in an integrated and effective manner in the country's labor and social security system.

It consists of 11 digits, structured as follows:

  • Two initial digits: Indicate the type of user (for example, 20 for men, 27 for women, among others);
  • Eight central digits: Correspond to the person's National Identity Document (DNI) number;
  • A check digit: Serves as a security mechanism to validate the number.

Importance of the CUIL number

  • Access to the Job Market: It is essential for formal hiring, ensuring the correct registration of the worker with social security entities;
  • Social and Health Benefits: Facilitates access to social assistance, public health and insurance programs;
  • Banking Operations: Required to open bank accounts and carry out financial transactions;
  • Tax Compliance: Allows for the correct identification of the taxpayer for the tax administration.

How to get the CUIL number?

obtaining the CUIL number (Código Único de Identificación Trabalho) is a fundamental procedure for anyone who wants to work, access social services or carry out banking activities in Argentina.

This process has been streamlined over the years, offering both in-person and online options to accommodate everyone’s needs. Below, you’ll find a detailed step-by-step guide to getting your CUIL number, including all necessary requirements.


Before starting the process of obtaining your CUIL number, it is important to ensure that you have on hand:

  • National Identity Document (DNI) for Argentine citizens, or equivalent document for resident foreigners (passport, certificate of residence, etc.)
  • Proof of address, if requested in face-to-face procedures.

Getting the CUIL humerus online

For those who prefer the convenience of digital access, following these steps will allow you to obtain the CUIL number via the internet:

  • Visit the Official ANSES Website: The first step is to access the National Social Security Administration (ANSES) portal;
  • Locate the CUIL Section: On the website, look for the option “my ANSES” or directly via “Obtaining the CUIL”, which is usually easily accessible from the home page;
  • Enter Personal Information: You will be asked to provide your DNI number, gender and date of birth. This data is essential for verifying your identity;
  • Issuance of CUIL number: After entering and verifying the data provided, the system will automatically generate your CUIL number, which will be displayed on the screen and can be printed or saved for future reference.

Obtaining the CUIL number in person

For individuals who do not have internet access or prefer more personal service, the CUIL number can also be obtained in person:

  • Find an ANSES Agency: Find the ANSES agency closest to your location. The agency addresses can be found on the official ANSES website;
  • Documentation Preparation: Make sure you bring your DNI (or equivalent document for non-Argentines) and, if necessary, proof of current address;
  • Visit the Agency with the Documents: Go to the chosen agency, taking the necessary documents with you;
  • Request the Issuance of the CUIL: Once at the agency, inform the attendant that you wish to obtain your CUIL number. He will check your documentation and then process your request;
  • Reception of the CUIL number: After the process is complete, the attendant will provide you with your CUIL number. This number is permanent and will accompany you in various activities and legal requirements in Argentina.

What is the CUIL number for?

O CUIL number It is a multifunctional tool within the administrative and social structure of Argentina, essential for citizens and residents of the country.

This identifier not only facilitates the management of employment and social security contributions, but also plays a crucial role in a variety of other services and transactions.

Below, we explore the main uses and applications of CUIL number, detailing how it integrates into different aspects of life in Argentina.


  • Employee Registration: CUIL number It is necessary for employers to register their employees in the social security system. It is the first step to guarantee labor and social security rights;
  • Social Security Contributions: Serves as a reference for the collection of social security contributions, ensuring that retirement rights and other social benefits are preserved.

Bank services

  • Account Opening: To open a bank account in Argentina, it is mandatory to provide the CUIL number, facilitating the verification of the holder's identity and their legal capacity to carry out financial transactions;
  • Financial Transactions: CUIL is used in various financial transactions, including credits, investments and insurance, serving as an identification and security key.

Access to social services

  • Public Health and Insurance: Access to public health services and health insurance requires the CUIL number. It ensures the inclusion of the individual in government health programs;
  • Education: Some educational institutions may request the CUIL number for registration in educational programs or scholarships, facilitating access to education;
  • Social Assistance Programs: The CUIL number is essential for enrolling in social assistance programs, such as family benefits, unemployment benefits and disability benefits.

Tax identification

  • Tax Declaration: Although primarily linked to employment and social security identification, the CUIL is also used in the tax declaration process, serving as a form of tax identification for individuals;
  • Receipt of Tax Benefits: The number allows individuals to receive tax benefits, refunds and incentives offered by the government, ensuring that the benefits reach the correct recipients.

Differences between CUIL, CUIT and DNI

In Argentina, three identification numbers are frequently mentioned in various legal, administrative and everyday contexts: CUIL, CUIT and DNI.

While they may seem similar at first glance, each one plays a unique role in the lives of the country’s citizens and residents. Here, we clarify the differences between these identifiers to avoid common confusion.

CUIL (Unique Labor Identification Code)

  • Purpose: The CUIL is primarily used for identification purposes in the context of employment and social security. It is required for registration in formal employment and for accessing social security benefits and services;
  • Composition: The CUIL is made up of 11 digits, including a prefix indicating the gender or type of taxpayer, the DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad) number and a check digit;
  • Who Needs It: Every citizen or resident who wishes to work formally in Argentina or access the social security system needs a CUIL.

COOKED (Código Único de Identificación Tributaria)

  • Purpose: The CUIT is used for tax identification, both for individuals and legal entities. It is necessary to carry out economic activities, tax declarations, issuance of invoices, and other commercial operations;
  • Composition: Like CUIL, CUIT has 11 digits. The structure is similar, but the purpose and context of use are different;
  • Who Needs It: Businesspeople, self-employed professionals, companies and any entity that carries out economic activities in the country need a CUIT.

DNI (National Identity Document)

  • Purpose: The DNI is the national identity document for Argentine citizens and permanent residents. It is used for virtually all forms of civil identification, from voting to opening a bank account;
  • Composition: The DNI contains a unique number for each person, followed by a verification digit. The number of digits may vary depending on the date the document was issued;
  • Who Needs It: All Argentine citizens and foreigners with permanent residence in Argentina must have a DNI.

Additional Clarifications

  • CUIL vs. CUIT: Both are identification numbers related to employment and tax obligations, respectively. CUIL is more focused on employment relationships and social benefits, while CUIT is essential for business and tax transactions;
  • CUIL/CUIT and DNI: The DNI serves as the numerical basis for both the CUIL and the CUIT. However, the purpose of the DNI is to serve as a general civil identification, while the CUIL and the CUIT have specific purposes related to work, social security and economic activities.


O CUIL number, or Código Único de Identificación Laboral, is a fundamental piece in the social and administrative structure of Argentina, playing an essential role not only in the workplace, but also in many other areas of daily life.

As we have seen, it is essential for formalizing employment relationships, accessing banking services, using social services, and even for tax and public health issues.

Whether you are just starting your journey in Argentina or looking to integrate more deeply into the country's social and economic life, paying attention to your CUIL number it's essential. 

It not only simplifies many administrative processes, but also ensures that you can live, work and prosper in Argentina with the certainty that your rights are protected and your duties are clear. Make the CUIL number your ally in building a full and integrated life in Argentina.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to remove CUIL?

to get the CUIL number, you can do the process online through the ANSES (National Social Security Administration) website, providing your DNI, gender and date of birth, or in person at one of the ANSES agencies, taking your identity document and, if necessary, proof of address.

What is CUIT and CUIL?

The CUIL (Unique Employment Identification Code) is used to identify workers for social security and employment purposes, while the CUIT (Unique Tax Identification Code) is used for tax purposes, similar to the CNPJ in Brazil.

What is the CPF called in Argentina?

The equivalent of the CPF in Brazil is the DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad) in Argentina, which serves as identification for Argentine citizens.

What does CUIL mean in Argentina?

CUIL stands for Código Único de Identificación Laboral and is a number used to register individuals in the social security system and to formalize employment relationships.

What is the CNPJ called in Argentina?

The equivalent of the CNPJ in Brazil is the CUIT (Código Único de Identificación Tributaria) in Argentina, used to identify commercial and business entities for tax purposes.

How many digits does CUIT have?

The CUIT is made up of 11 digits, organized in a format that includes a taxpayer type code, the DNI number, and a check digit.

What is a CUIT document?

The CUIT document is a tax code used by the Argentine Federal Administration of Public Revenues to identify both individuals and legal entities for tax purposes.

What is CUIL in Spanish?

CUIL is the acronym for Código Único de Identificación Laboral, used in Argentina for identification purposes in the social security system and labor relations.

How to get a CPF in Argentina?

Argentina does not use the CPF system as in Brazil. The equivalent document for individuals is the DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad), obtained through the Registro Nacional de las Personas (Renaper).

How many numbers does an Argentine CPF have?

The “Argentine CPF”, known as DNI, has a variable number of digits, generally between 7 and 8 digits, depending on the date of issue.

What is DNI in Buenos Aires?

The DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad) is the official identity document for Argentine citizens and permanent residents, valid throughout the country, including Buenos Aires.

What happens if I stay more than 90 days in Argentina?

Visitors who remain in Argentina for more than 90 days without the appropriate visa may be subject to fines and other legal penalties. It is important to regularize your situation with the immigration authorities before the deadline expires.

Who has a NIF?

NIF (Tax Identification Number) is a term generally used in countries such as Portugal and Spain to refer to the tax identification number of individuals or companies. In Argentina, the equivalent for individuals would be the CUIL for social and labor matters and the CUIT for companies and tax matters.

What does NIF mean in Brazil?

Brazil does not use the term NIF. The equivalent would be the CPF (Individual Taxpayer Registry) for individuals and the CNPJ (National Registry of Legal Entities) for companies, both serving as tax identification numbers.

What does a foreign CNPJ look like?

Foreign companies operating in Brazil must register with the CNPJ as foreign entities. Each country has its own tax identification system for companies, such as the CUIT in Argentina.

Where can I get an Argentine DNI?

The DNI can be obtained from the National Registry of Persons (Renaper) or from its rapid documentation centers distributed throughout Argentina.

How many digits does the RUT have?

The RUT (Rol Único Tributario) is used in countries such as Chile and has a variable number of digits, generally around 8 to 9 digits plus a check digit.

What does the acronym TIN mean?

TIN (Taxpayer Identification Number) is a tax identification number used in several countries to identify taxpayers in the tax system. Each country has its own version of the TIN.

How to pay an Argentine immigration fine?

Immigration fines in Argentina must be paid at the National Directorate of Migrations or at authorized banks. It is important to consult the immigration authority for details on the payment process and regularization of the situation.