Get married at the Registry Office


Getting married at a registry office is one of the most common and accessible ways to make a couple's union official. The process is simple, but requires that some steps be followed correctly.

Get married at the registry office involves submitting documents, scheduling, and in some cases even carrying out parts of the process online.

What do I need to get married at the registry office?

To get married at the registry office, the couple must meet certain legal requirements. A civil marriage requires the presence of witnesses and the presentation of documents proving the identity and marital status of the bride and groom.

The first step is to choose the registry office where the wedding will take place. In many cases, this should be the registry office closest to the residence of one of the bride and groom.

After that, it is necessary to appear at the location to begin the marriage authorization process, which consists of verifying the documents and publishing the banns.

Banns are public notices of marriage that are displayed in the registry office for a period of 15 to 30 days. This time is necessary so that, in the event of any impediment, it can be lifted before the wedding takes place.

Documents required for civil marriage

The list of documents for get married at the registry office It is relatively simple, but it is important that everyone is up to date to avoid delays in the process. See below the main documents required:

  1. Birth certificate or document proving marital status;
  2. RG and CPF of the bride and groom;
  3. Proof of address updated from both;
  4. Statement of two witnesses adults, who cannot be direct family members;
  5. Written authorization of the parents, if one of the bride and groom is under 18 years of age.

If one of the spouses is divorced, it is necessary to present the previous marriage certificate with annotation of the divorce. If the spouse is widowed, it is necessary to bring the death certificate of the previous spouse.

How to schedule a wedding at the registry office?

You can schedule your wedding at the registry office in person, but many registry offices now offer the option of scheduling your wedding online. However, it is always a good idea to check whether the registry office in your city offers this option.

To schedule a wedding, the couple must go to the registry office with the aforementioned documents and request marriage authorization. In some places, it is possible to pre-book online and then complete the process in person.

After scheduling and publishing the banns, the civil marriage can be performed on a date set by the registry office, according to availability.

It is important to organize yourself to schedule the ceremony in advance, as the waiting period may vary between registry offices.

Is it possible to get married online at the registry office?

Getting married entirely online at a registry office is not yet a reality for everyone, but some steps of the process can now be done digitally. In several cities, couples can schedule their wedding and send documents electronically.

The registration process can also be initiated online in some states, making life easier for the bride and groom. However, the signing of the marriage certificate and the ceremony still need to be done in person, with the bride and groom and witnesses present.

This possibility of carrying out parts of the process online is a great advantage for those who have a busy routine or are unable to travel to the registry office frequently.

Costs and fees involved in civil marriage

The costs for get married at the registry office vary from state to state, but generally include fees for the marriage license and the ceremony.

These fees are usually around R$300 to R$500, depending on the region and the type of ceremony chosen.

If the couple chooses to hold the ceremony outside the registry office, such as at a reception or other location, there is an additional fee for the travel of the justice of the peace. The cost of this service may be higher, especially in locations far from the registry office.

Additionally, low-income couples can request exemption from some fees by presenting the necessary documentation proving family income.

How long does it take to get married at the registry office?

The total time for get married at the registry office It depends on some factors, such as the availability of the notary's office and compliance with legal deadlines.

The qualification process takes approximately 30 days, taking into account the proclamation period.

After completing this step, the couple can set a date for the ceremony. In general, a civil marriage takes place within 60 days of the start of the process. However, it is recommended to start preparations in advance to avoid unforeseen events and ensure that all documents are in order.

Tips to ensure a smooth process at the registry office

To avoid complications when get married at the registry office, it is essential to follow some important tips. First, organize all documents in advance, checking that they are up to date and complete.

Another valuable tip is to check the rules of the chosen registry office, as they may vary depending on the location. This includes both opening hours and specific deadlines and procedures.

Finally, it’s always helpful to talk to couples who have already been through the process to get tips and recommendations. This can help you avoid common mistakes and ensure that everything goes as smoothly as possible on the day of the ceremony.