Thirteenth Salary Calculator


A thirteenth birthday calculator uses some basic data to calculate the value. Normally, it is necessary to inform the gross salary and the number of months worked in the year.

Thirteenth Salary Calculator

If the employee worked the entire year, he/she will receive the full amount of his/her salary, but if he/she started in the middle of the year, the amount will be proportional.

In addition to salary, the tool can also consider overtime, commissions and other additional amounts that make up the worker's total remuneration, ensuring an accurate calculation.

Practical example of calculation

Imagine you have a gross salary of R$4.000 and worked for nine months in the year. The basic formula would be:
Salary ÷ 12 x number of months worked.
In this example, the calculation would be:
R$4.000 ÷ 12 x 9 = R$3.000.

This amount will be paid in two installments: the first by November 30th and the second by December 20th, with discounts of INSS and Income Tax.

Advantages of using the thirteenth salary calculator

The main advantage of using a thirteenth birthday calculator is accuracy. With it, you can have an exact idea of ​​how much you will receive, helping with financial planning. In addition, the tool can automatically calculate legal discounts, such as INSS e Income Tax, showing the net amount to be received.

If you want to avoid mistakes and ensure that the value is correct, thirteenth birthday calculator is an excellent ally.

Using a simple tool like this can make all the difference in your financial planning, allowing you to make better use of your time. Thirteenth wage.