O Family Bag It is a right of millions of Brazilians who need support to guarantee basic living conditions.
If you meet the criteria, it's time to take advantage of this opportunity and apply for the benefit. Find out now how to apply and guarantee what is rightfully yours!
How does Bolsa Familia work?
O Family Bag is one of the main social programs in Brazil, designed to guarantee a minimum income for families in vulnerable situations. It works as a financial aid, conditional on the fulfillment of certain obligations, such as keeping children in school and vaccinating children. The main objective is to reduce poverty and promote social inclusion, providing access to health, education and better living conditions.
Families receive the benefit monthly, with amounts that vary depending on the family composition, such as number of children, pregnant women or other factors. To access the program, it is essential to meet the criteria and follow the registration steps, which we will explain throughout this article.
Who is entitled to Bolsa Família?
The program is aimed at families living in poverty or extreme poverty. To qualify, you must meet the following criteria:
Monthly family income:
Families in extreme poverty: per capita income of up to R$105 per month.
Families in poverty: per capita income between R$106 and R$218, provided they include pregnant women, children or adolescents up to 17 years old.
Family composition:
Presence of children, pregnant women or school-age adolescents.
Families without children can be included, as long as they meet the income and vulnerability criteria.
Furthermore, it is essential to keep your registration up to date in CadÚnico (Single Registry for Social Programs), as it is the basis for assessing eligibility.
Benefits offered by Bolsa Família
O Family Bag offers a series of benefits designed to meet the different needs of families in vulnerable situations. Each benefit is adjusted based on family composition and per capita income, ensuring fairer and more efficient support. Check out the main benefits:
Basic Benefit
This is the main aid, intended exclusively for families in situations of extreme poverty, that is, with a per capita income of up to R$105 per month. It aims to guarantee a minimum subsistence, helping families cover basic needs, such as food and housing.
Value: It is set according to the available budget and defined by the federal government.
Addressees: Families regardless of the presence of children, adolescents or pregnant women.
Variable Benefit
This benefit is aimed at families with pregnant women, children up to 12 years old or teenagers up to 17 years old. Its objective is to supplement family income and encourage access to health and education services.
Value: Calculated based on the number of eligible people in the family, and may include up to five beneficiaries.
Pregnant women should undergo prenatal care.
Children and adolescents must attend school regularly and keep their vaccination schedule up to date.
Benefit for Overcoming Extreme Poverty
This additional aid is granted to families that, even after receiving basic and variable benefits, still have a per capita income below the extreme poverty line.
Value: Calculated to ensure that household income reaches a minimum amount per person, adjusted annually.
Impact: It is essential support to promote a more dignified life and reduce extreme inequality.
These benefits are automatically adjusted based on the information provided in CadÚnico. They represent not only financial support, but also an incentive for families to have access to healthcare, education and quality of life. Ensuring that your registration is regularly updated is essential to continue receiving the benefit and taking advantage of all available resources.
Frequently asked questions about Bolsa Família
Is it possible to combine Bolsa Família with other benefits?
Yes, as long as they are complementary programs, such as BPC (Continuous Benefit Payment).
What to do if the benefit is suspended?
Check the reason in the application or CRAS and update your registration, if necessary.
Do I need to renew my registration?
Yes, it is recommended to update the information every two years or whenever there are changes.
Can I withdraw the benefit anywhere?
Yes, as long as you use authorized points, such as bank branches and lottery shops.
What happens if I don't meet the conditions?
The benefit may be blocked or cancelled, but there is the possibility of regularisation.